日本城一年一度的樱花节上的鼓手 Credit: San Francisco Travel Association

Your Guide to
San Francisco's Cherry Blossom Festival


贝博体彩app是一个充满魅力的城市,有着不同的社区. Each has its own community, culture, and traditions; and all of them welcome visitors to be a part of the excitement.

今年春天,北加州樱花节将在贝博体彩app的日本城举行. 如果你在这个季节访问这座城市,这个活动必须添加到你的行程中. 

Let us help you plan your experience!

About the Festival

The annual Northern California Cherry Blossom Festival, always one of California's most splendid celebrations, draws more than 200,000人来到贝博体彩app的日本城,欣赏令人眼花缭乱的日本文化和传统. The festival features a cultural food area, arts and crafts, and live performances at five neighborhood venues. 大多数活动和活动都是免费的,总部设在邮政和布坎南街的日本中心.

2024年的电影节将在两个周末举行:2024年4月13日至14日和20日至21日. Scheduled events include:

  • 4月21日的大游行,有太鼓鼓手、舞者和装饰花车. The parade will begin at Civic Center Plaza at 1 p.m. 然后沿着波尔克街向北走,然后向西转到邮政街,在菲尔莫尔和邮政的日本城结束.
  • 文化活动包括盆景和娃娃制作课程, traditional games, and even pet-owner meet-ups!
  • 特别售票招待会,精神仪式,和更多!

More Festival Details

About Japantown

美国仅存的三个日本城之一, and the oldest of its kind in the continental U.S., 贝博体彩app的Nihonmachi是约12家公司的文化总部,000 residents of Japanese descent. It’s like taking a trip to Japan without a passport!

日本城南边是Geary大道,北边是Pine街, between Laguna Street and Fillmore Street. 你可以看到装饰着樱花的鲜红色横幅,以及矗立在日本中心中心广场上的和平塔.

Explore Japantown

Lost in Translation?

Looking for full cultural immersion in Japantown? 这里有15个地道的日语术语,可以帮助你丰富你的经验.

  • Anime -“动画”的缩写,包括日本手绘或电脑动画. 这种运动在当地街头文化和每年7月举行的JPOP峰会上都有体现.
  • Bonsai 这种日本艺术形式产生的微型树木可以活100多年. Katsura Garden (1581 Webster St.) is known for its selection of bonsai.
  • Chanoyu – The word literally means “hot water for tea,,但几十年来一直被称为“日本茶道”. There is a replica of a traditional tea room in the Asian Art Museum 当然,还有位于日本茶园中心的茶馆 Golden Gate Park.
  • Ikebana – The Japanese art of flower arranging.
  • Karaoke – Amateur sing-a-long.
  • Nihonmachi – Nihon translates to Japan and machi is town.
  • Mikoshi -可移动的神道教神龛,供奉神灵或神祇. 它由一群精力充沛的志愿者举起和放下神龛. 三越的到来是阅兵的高潮时刻.
  • Mochi – A rice confection made by hand.
  • Origami – The art of paper folding. Paper Tree, located at the Japan Center, is a magnet for origami fans, offering classes and unusual paper stock.
  • Osento – A Japanese communal bath. The Kabuki Springs & Spa is one of the few to be found in the U.S.
  • Ramen – East meets East in this dish. 这道日式面汤是用中式的小麦粉浸泡在肉或鱼的肉汤里.
  • Sakura Matsuri – Japanese for Cherry Blossom Festival.
  • Taiko -在两个周末的游行和庆祝活动中,击鼓是不可或缺的. The word refers to the percussion instruments themselves, 其中最令人难忘的大约有一个大酒桶那么大!
  • Udon – A thick wheat flour noodle used in Japanese cuisine,

Where to Eat in Japantown

如果你是来附近过樱花节的, 你将有很多机会品尝到精致而正宗的日本料理. 从乌冬面到寿司,以及介于两者之间的一切,你不能让日本城饿着!

Eat in Japantown

Phil Ashizawa, owner of Soko Hardware in Japantown

Heart of the City: Japantown



Aaron Danzig
Aaron Danzig

Aaron is the Manager of Digital & Social Media Marketing at San Francisco Travel. 他在贝博体彩app生活了10多年,从事旅游工作 & Tourism for over 8 of those. 他经常在贝博体彩app湾区探险,寻找新的、独特的体验和美食!